The channel consists of a clear acrylic working section of large depth-to-width ratio incorporating undershot and overshot weirs at the inlet and discharge ends respectively. Water is fed to the streamlined channel entry via a stilling tank to reduce turbulence. Water discharging from the channel is collected in the volumetric tank of the hydraulics bench and returned to the sump for recirculation.
A dye injection system incorporated at the inlet to the channel enables flow visualisation in conjunction with a graticule on the rear face of the channel.

Models supplied with the channel include broad and sharp-crested weirs, large and small-diameter cylinders and symmetrical and asymmetrical aerofoils. These in conjunction with the inlet and discharge weirs, permit a varied range of open channel and flow visualisation demonstrations, Adjustable feet permit levelling.
Learning Objectives
- To visualise flow patterns around immersed objects in an open channel
- Demonstration of flow phenomena in an open channel
- Undershot and Overshot weirs
- Broad Crested and Sharp Crested Weirs
- Discharge beneath a sluice gate
- Creation of a hydraulic jump downstream of a sluice gate and weir
- Drowning of a sluice gate and weir
- Flow over a broad crested and sharp edged weir
- Supercritical (fast) and sub-critical (slow) flows over the weir